good times
Who wants one more….?

The Happy Clappers performing the timeless piano house anthem “I believe”
Pizzaman project of the great Norman Cook (aka Fatboy Slim) performed “tripping on sunshine “ a ground breaking production for its time.

Umboza rocked the house with one of my personal favourites “cry India” with eclectic organ stabs & the crowd pleasing sample from Lionel Ritchie’s worldwide hit “all night long” .
DJ Pete Davis from Kiss FM & sound factory NYC joins the team, Good Times is gaining traction…

Nigel Benn starred as our first big name DJ & numbers soared to 1800 people. He was booked to pull people in and he did. Although the music was not ideal so we had to take him off early. The crowd was what we wanted and this night launched Good Times on its path to success.

Enigma’s first birthday saw an incredible night of music & groundbreaking visuals from a futuristic illusionist called The Wizard (Marc Oberon) the club was plunged into total darkness for the 20 min show. It was Amazing….
Good Times goes stateside with an American themed night of US house & garage & sending 2 clubbers to the big apple on an all expenses paid trip.

Good times is packing in 1500 clubbers every Saturday

Astro Trax team performed the house/ garage anthem “the energy” with support from Dazz Norman, DJ KC and Paul Gillies alongside Dave bergin. Brilliant music and these DJs featured regularly in the future
Lovestation brought the house down with an electrifying performance! The crowd loved ‘Teardrops’ who doesn’t?
When Lovestation invited the crowd to join in it felt like 5000 voices… an incredible atmosphere, then raised up a notch with the powerful vocals & hi tempo of ‘love come rescue me’

The first ‘Club Classics’ night I put on & played at. House music was barely a decade old at this point (1997/1998) and rapidly diversifying , for me it’s important to stay in touch with my musical roots & early influences, there’s just so many awesome tunes out there forgotten or rarely played.
Club Classics is born…
Good Times gets in big trouble with tobacco giant Marlboro Lights for this cheeky number… All flyers and posters had to be taken out of every shop & destroyed. A bit of corporate grovelling saw us back in business but it was a close call. This was pre digital age so this image should be fine now right?
Another cheeky ‘rip off’ flyer!
This idea was first created for a ‘one for you’ new years eve party in 1995 at the Q Club in Cambridge. see below

Good Times made this shockingly tacky flyer to enter into a DJ MAGAZINE competition.
It was lots of fun and we won!
A great relief after the Malboro Lights incident…

Blockster in the house.
Club Classics 1988-1998 with the talented Bongo Ted on percussion

Good Times runs the show at Enigmas 2nd Birthday as part of a weekender featuring Camisra. The First of a series of free mixtapes on special events.
Good Times the 2nd Birthday with Radio One’s Dave Pearce
The 2nd of the Good Times mixtapes.
listen at the bottom of this page or browse in my tunes

Good Times plays host to Sundance Ibiza with this balearic themed event featuring guest DJs Roy the Roach and Eddie Lock.
Good Times Opens in Portsmouth in an enormous 2000 capacity venue called Regal Palace
Good Times hosts the main room at Enigma’s 3rd birthday with Dave and Capital FM Radio’s Paul Gillies
Ruff Drivers top the bill with a host of artists & enterertainers including The Wizard & Bongo Ted .
Check out the Press page for more
The club had a serious makeover for the night & 1800 of the latest Good Times mixtape were given out.
Head to the bottom of the page for a listen

Good Times goes stateside with this Independence day special!
It was ‘God Times’ for 1 night only
featuring the super heavyweight American DJ,
Farly Jackmaster Funk plus the equally super heavyweight U.S. singer Daryl Pandy.
Simply Awesome…
Good Times offshoot DeVine Launches a second night on the south coast in a huge 2000 capacity club with a sound system to rival the massive 40k rig at Enigma.
A host of household names joined Dave to get things going!
These include Brandon Block, Alistair Whitehead, The Luv Dup Twins & John OO Fleming

The Millennium… Say no more
Dazz Norman becomes the latest Good Times resident DJ

Enigma’s 4th Birthday & Mixtape
Age Of Love tour came to Good Times and Dave brought Good Times to the Age of Love Tour in Southport the following month
DJ Magazine comes to see what Good Times is all about…